Up to $400
Payday Loan
Sometimes you are just not able to wait till payday to handle a cash emergency. That's where we can help. We can lend you up to $400 as a cash advance on your paycheck. Click "Apply Now" to get started!
What We Offer
We appreciate your trust greatly. Our customers choose us and our services because they know we are the best.
For Reference:
Sample Fee Schedule (14 days)
Cash to You | Service Fee | Check Amount | APR |
$25.00 | $4.25 | $29.25 | 443.21% |
$50.00 | $8.75 | $58.75 | 456.25% |
$75.00 | $13.00 | $88.00 | 451.90% |
$100.00 | $17.50 | $117.50 | 456.25% |
$125.00 | $22.00 | $147.00 | 458.86% |
$150.00 | $26.25 | $176.25 | 456.25% |
$175.00 | $30.00 | $205.00 | 446.94% |
$200.00 | $30.00 | $230.00 | 391.07% |
$250.00 | $44.11 | $294.11 | 460.00% |
$300.00 | $52.94 | $352.94 | 460.07% |
$350.00 | $61.76 | $411.76 | 460.05% |
$400.00 | $70.58 | $470.58 | 460.03% |
Automatic renewals are not provided by AmeriTrust Financial, LLC. The APR for Payday Loans with AmeriTrust Financial, LLC will fall within the following range, based on a number of factors including loan amount, loan repayment schedule, and number of payments: APR Range - 260.71% to 782.14% (on 14 days).
AmeriTrust Financial, LLC abides by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) as applicable to collect past due accounts. Delinquent accounts may be turned over to a third party collection agency which may adversely affect your credit score. Non-sufficient funds and late fees may apply.
AmeriTrust Financial, LLC abides by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) as applicable to collect past due accounts. Delinquent accounts may be turned over to a third party collection agency which may adversely affect your credit score. Non-sufficient funds and late fees may apply.